• Question: I have 5 questions: what is ADHD? how did you become a sientist? how do you know if someone has ADHD? what equitment do you use to find gines in the brain? why did you choose this topic?

    Asked by fourleafclover to Simon on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Simon Trent

      Simon Trent answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      1) ADHD is a disorder that affects 5 in 100 kids, making them hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive. It can continue into adulthood and is a serious problem that is partially genetic.
      2) I studied biochemistry at university, did a PHD (3 years) which is a specific project and you become a doctor afterwards.
      3) ADHD is diagnosed by the local doctor, parents and teachers using a check-list
      4) We use a PCR machine and primers, which means we can look at the levels of genes in the brain
      5) Ive always been interested in neuroscience (brain science basically) as my PHD was looking into depression.
