• Question: how do you find out your answers to everyones questions?

    Asked by billybobdavidd to David, Rebecca, Simon, Verity, Wei on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Rebecca Handley

      Rebecca Handley answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Well, lots of people just ask our opinions on things, which are easy to answer. Other answers are things I have learnt whilst working as a scientist, either at work or during my studies. Lots of the time they are things I know, but even I’ve had to look up a few answers(especially the ones about physics and electricity)! So far everyones been really good at asking tough questions!

    • Photo: David Armstrong

      David Armstrong answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Some of them I have known the answers to already, but some of the harder ones (especially biological ones) I have had to look some things up and check I have remembered the facts correctly. But all the questions have been really interesting and I am really enjoying answering them all.

    • Photo: Verity Nye

      Verity Nye answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      I was away on Monday and Tuesday so I’m trying to catch up on everybody’s questions today. So far I haven’t had to find anything out. Most of the questions have been about our views on various things and what we do.

    • Photo: Wei Xun

      Wei Xun answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      If I don’t know the answer to a question, there are a number of different sources of information scentists will go to find answers:

      Textbooks, scientific journals, the British Library, scientific search engines, colleagues etc, and usually wikipedia isn’t good enough! 😛
